Integrative Therapy- Holistic Kinesiology

What is Integrative Therapy-holistic kinesiology?

The goal of integrative therapy sessions is to restore balance to all the body’s functions. To regain balance, I use a muscle testing technique: holistic kinesiology.

Holistic Kinesiology is a discipline that evaluates the response of the muscle chains to detect imbalances in the body, and prevent disorders, or correct them, with the most appropriate treatment for each person.

Within my Integrative Holistic Kinesiology protocol I make a global assessment of the patient using the AR test (arm reflex) and, based on this initial assessment, I look for the techniques that best suit each person.

Within a Kinesiology session I integrate several techniques such as massage, foot reflexology, Bach Flowers, Reiki, conscious breathing exercises, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), energy/soul healing, Gestalt techniques, etc. Everything that the person’s body needs in that session. It is precisely the patient’s body that will determine the pace of work, the intensity and depth of the session and the most appropriate techniques, and that is why the evolution is usually rapid and there can be visible changes in very few sessions.

Through kinesiological testing, we work at different levels of being:

How can Integrative Holistic Kinesiology help you?

Being a holistic discipline whose objective is to balance all the functions of the body, it can help you improve any physical (muscle or joint pain), emotional (irritability, sadness, emotional instability), or energetic (tiredness, fatigue, energy blockage) symptoms. among others.

At a physical/biochemical level:

To find the ideal diet for you to improve your digestion and energy levels (Food for Health); reduce muscle-joint physical tension to gain mobility and body flexibility; optimize the level of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and essential fatty acids to improve digestion, stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation; contribute to the balance of the endocrine (hormonal) system; In short, balance the functions of the body to increase general well-being.

On a mental/emotional level:

To relax the mind through the integration of the two cerebral hemispheres, breathing and "realizing" what is happening "here and now"; integrate blocked emotions that make it difficult for us to relate to others or ourselves (unexpressed anger, sadness or depressive tendency, stress, irritability, fear) using various techniques such as Gestalt therapy, Bach Flowers, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) .

On an energy level:

Para hacer que la energía circule con fluidez por todo el cuerpo y liberar las zonas con déficit o exceso de energía. Algunas de las técnicas que utilizo para trabajar a nivel energético son el Reiki Usui, la cromoterapia, la auriculoterapia, la magnetoterapia o la digitopuntura.

Judith Benavent

Judith Benavent

Founder of Holistic Barcelona

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Judith Benavent

Founder of Holistic Barcelona

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